This 30-Day Fitness Challenge Will Sculpt Your Body From Head To Toe


This 30-Day Fitness Challenge

  This 30-Day Fitness Challenge Will Sculpt Your Body  From         Head To Toe 

Ready to commit to your fitness RN? Enter the 30-day fitness challenge. There isn't a magic potion that makes hitting the gym as addictive as binging Netflix, but this type of routine comes pretty darn close. It definitely takes hard work, but you can have a ton of fun getting real results.

“The key is to be consistent with your practice,” says Charlee Atkins, CSCS, creator of Le Sweat app. “That’s the only ‘secret.’” This month-long fitness program makes working out another serotonin-filled habit of your daily schedule (and one that's more productive than TV time).

Customize The 30-Day Challenge

By committing to an exercise routine daily for a four to five-week period of the 30-day challenge, you're teaching your body a new groove and creating a new habit. Science says so. When you consistently hit your sessions, the activity is more likely to become a lasting habit, per an NIH study. So, set a time, pick the place, and grab your mat when embarking on this challenge for results (and active habits) that’ll last beyond the 30 days.

As for the results you can expect from this particular challenge, you should be able to do more reps over the course of the month, which is a sign your fitness level is increasing, according to Atkins. Plus, it’s likely you’ll notice some muscle definition and higher energy levels.

The calendar below will help you to keep track of your workout schedule, as well as the mini goals to target each week. In week one, you’ll aim for good form on each move. Increase your rep count in week two, and shake things up with a new type of cross-training in week three. In week four, try the weighted workouts (or pump up the amount of weight you were already using). As for week five, just finish strong!

Monday: Lower-Body Bodyweight Workout or Lower-Body Dumbbell Workout

Tuesday: Upper-Body Bodyweight Workout or Upper-Body Dumbbell Workout

Wednesday: Cross-Training (Find Options Here)

Thursday: Total-Body Bodyweight Workout or Total-Body Dumbbell Workout

Friday: Bodyweight Abs Workout or Dumbbell Abs Workout

Saturday: Cross-Training (Find Options Here)

Sunday: Rest

How To Crush This 30-Day Challenge

Here are tips to keep in mind as you complete the challenge:

Work out in the morning.

"This is my number-one tip for people who struggle to find the time to work out. And since these 20-minute routines include a warm up, they're really 20 minutes from start to finish."

Don't overdo it with weight. 

"In the videos for these, I'm using 6-pound weights and 10-pound weights. When in doubt, though, go lighter. Make sure you can do the moves with correct form before increasing your weight."

Get creative with cross-training

. "Cross-training can include cardio or mobility workouts—basically anything that keeps you moving except strength workouts (since that's what the challenge focuses on)."

Track your reps.

 "It's great motivation when you can see that you're able to do more reps in weeks two, three, and four than you could in week onehtml <meta name="pinterest-rich-pin" content="false" />."

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