21-Day Total-Body Transformation Challenge

Welcome to Your 21-Day Transformation

 I’m VERY excited to have you as a part of this challenge!

 The next three weeks are going to be a life-changing journey filled with new experiences and self-discovery. 

This challenge was created to help you reach your goals with intention
By following this plan, you will boost your metabolism, eliminate sugar cravings, & rid your body of unwanted fat!
The benefits of this eating strategy stretch far beyond fat loss, however.

You’ll be eating a LOT of delicious recipes that are loaded with energy-boosting, nutritious, and healing properties.

Here’s a quick snapshot of some of the other benefits:

  *  Naturally balance blood sugar and helps eliminate cravings
  * Supports hormone production and rebalancing 
  * Improve brain health and help protect against dementia and other disorders 
  * Improves memory and clear brain fog 
  * Improves digestion v Increases energy levels 
  * Improves fertility v Improves quality of sleep 
  * Decreases anxiety and mood swings

Let’s Get Started!

     First…the Basics

Over the next 21-days, you’ll be eating a real, whole-foods based meal plan. If it comes out of a box, you’re probably not going to find it on the grocery list.

 Great nutrition is the foundation of great results. Your main focus is going to be on eating high-quality protein, healthy fat, nutrient dense greens, and real fruits and vegetables.

 Processed foods laden with chemicals, artificial colourings and preservatives are NOT on this plan.

 Other things you won’t find here: added sugars like high fructose corn syrup, inflammation-causing grains (like white bread or other baked goods), and most dairy.

 Inflammation is the root of all disease in the body.

 That’s why the overall goal of this challenge is to feed your body with nutrient rich foods to help reduce inflammation so your body can heal and restore itself.

 As your body begins to balance out, you’ll notice increased energy, better quality of sleep, better digestion, and increased fat loss.

 I am VERY excited about the next 21-days, because what you will be learning can literally change the rest of your life.

Powerful Protein:

“When life gives you lemons, ask for something higher in protein.”

 – Anonymous Simply put, we wouldn’t exist without protein. Protein plays a lead role in nearly every function in your body.

 It’s part of every cell in your body, and is used to help build muscle, organs, and other tissues. It’s also important for brain health and to help make enzymes, hormones, and other necessary chemicals.

Not only that, eating the right amount of protein will help to boost your metabolism and keep your weight in check

AND…. protein can also help you avoid gaining unwanted weight in the first place. This is because when you’re eating enough protein, you’ll feel fuller for a longer period of time and have less of an urge to eat junk food.

In fact, studies have shown that when women eat around 30% of their diet from protein, they eat 441 fewer calories per day

For this challenge, you’ll be eating about 30% of your calories from protein – which is ideal for fat-loss and maintaining lean muscle mass.

 You’ll be eating high-quality proteins like grass-fed meats, wild fish, and free-range poultry.

 If you’re thinking that eating like this may start to get expensive…. it really doesn’t have to!

 A lot of times you can find items on sale- just buy in bulk and freeze them! Also- be sure you check out local farms and farmers markets.

 The Not-So-Sweet Truth About Sugar... 

Added sugars (that don’t occur naturally in the foods you are eating) can be absolutely detrimental to your health.

We’ve already talked about how inflammation is the root of all disease in the body…

I’m taking about diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, digestive disorders, arthritis, and the list goes on and on.

Consuming a high number of refined sugars is a LEADING cause of inflammation in your body.

Did you know that soda and other sugary drinks are the #1 source of calories in the American diet!?

  Here are a few not-so-sweet facts about sugar:

  *  Sugar promotes inflammation in the body – the root cause of disease.
  *  Large amounts of sugar will suppress your immune system. (Imagine how your immune systems            suffers if you’re eating processed sugars every meal.) 

  * Sugar suppresses the release of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in the body. 

  *Sugars will raise your insulin levels- which over time can lead to a whole host of diseases. 

  * Sugars have a massive negative effect on energy levels throughout the day. 

    Impacts your hormones and your ability to deal with stress.

Artificial sugars like Splenda and Aspartame are no better for you, either. They have been proven to have countless negative effects in your body and especially in your brain.

Sugar in itself is NOT bad. In fact, we need a certain amount of it to even survive and be able to think straight.

 The problem really stems from the quick rise in our blood sugar levels when we consume large amounts sugar on a regular basis.

 When you eat healthy carbs- like a sweet potato or an apple, you’re also eating the fiber that comes along with it. Digestion is slowed down, so even though you’re eating sugar, your blood sugar levels do not raise as fast. Your body can easily handle it.

 If you drink a Coke, there’s no fiber or anything to slow down the digestive process, and your blood sugar levels spike to unnatural highs.

 So- for this challenge, we’re going to keep it close to nature.

We’re going to stay away from ALL white and refined sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners.

 Acceptable substitutes (in moderation, of course) are raw coconut palm sugar, raw local honey, dates, and Green Leaf Stevia.

 The first three are slow to raise your blood sugar levels, so they’re ok in small amounts. Green Leaf Stevia is a much less processed form of Stevia and does not have an impact on your blood sugar levels. It has been around for centuries. It’s about 30-40 times sweeter than regular sugar… so make sure you only use the smallest amount!

 Remember- this is a LIFESTYLE approach, not a fad diet. I don’t want you feeling deprived in any way- so it’s all about finding healthier alternatives to what you’re already eating!

The Skinny on Fat…

We hear it all the time- fat is BAD for you! Drink skim milk instead of whole. Get fat-free yogurt instead of full-fat. Have an egg white omelette. Trim the fat off your meat and remove the skin before you eat it!

 But is this really the best advice? Here are the real facts about fat…

 It’s important to understand that eating fat does not make us fat.

 If you’re looking for the shady criminal to blame- look no further than the processed carbs, sugar, and HFCS that find their way into almost everything we eat.

 Plain and simple: eating SUGAR makes us fat.

Now it’s definitely important to not overeat on your healthy fats, as too much of anything will have an impact on your waistline.

 Please keep in mind that the key word is healthy fats.

 Healthy fats include things like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, grassfed butter and ghee, animal fats (duck, beef, pork), Omega 3’s (found in fish), etc.

 The “bad” kinds of fat you want to stay away from are trans fats.  

Most trans fats that people eat have been cooked up in a laboratory kitchen where scientists “hydrogenate” certain oils so they have a longer shelf life. Trans fats are found in a LOT of packaged foods- like baked goods, donuts, pie crusts, cookies, crackers, margarine, and a lot of fried foods.

 Basically, look at your labels- and if you see anything labelled “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated” get rid of it fast.

 In addition to trans fats, you also want to stay away from refined oils that tend to be high in Omega 6’s (which throw off the ideal Omega-3 to Omega-6 balance) like peanut oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, and corn oil.

 Not that you know what kinds of fat NOT to eat, let’s talk about why the right kinds of fat are GREAT for your body.

Healthy fats are incredible for your body. They are important for:

 Making hormones 
 Brain health 
 Energy levels 
 Supporting your thyroid 
 Strengthening your bones 
 Strengthening your immune system 
 Reducing your risk for Cancer 
 And the list goes on….

How much Water should I drink?

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water” – Lauren Eisley

Staying hydrated is one of the BEST ways you can possibly take care of your body. Water is essential for every single cell in our body to function at its highest level.

 Water helps increase your energy levels, promote weight loss, flush out toxins, improve the quality of your skin, improve digestion, can help relieve joint pain, and can even help relieve headaches!

 Your body is about 60% water… and just a small 2% decrease can significantly impair performance and the way you feel.

Your goal for this challenge is to drink at LEAST half of your body weight in ounces each day.

 Example: If you weigh 150 pounds, you should be drinking a minimum of 75 ounces of water each day

Personalizing Your Plan:

Men and women metabolize food differently. Not only that, but our daily energy requirements vary quite substantially.

 To help you get the BEST results, you’ll need to adjust your meal plan according to what your body needs.

 Protein Serving Sizes for Men & Women
 Women: 4oz – 6oz 

Men: 6oz – 8oz Starchy Carbohydrate Considerations:
 Women: keep plan as is 
Men: ADD ½ cup of starch when it calls for it in the meal plan at each serving (this includes items like sweet potato, quinoa, etc. (see Swap Guide for the complete list.)

 Healthy Fat Considerations: 
Women: keep plan as is 
Men: ADD about 3 Tbsp. or ¼ cup PER DAY to the plan 

If you need help with this, simply reach out. My goal is to make this plan as simple as possible to follow, so if you have any questions, just let me know!

 The First 2 Days of Your Challenge

Your first two days are scheduled “detox days.” These days are designed to cleanse your liver to allow your body to process the foods you eat more easily and efficiently.

 No pills, drugs, or juices… just lots of fresh vegetables, fruit, water and minimal protein.

 Depending on what you’ve been eating lately, you may experience headaches and some fatigue in the beginning.

Just make sure you drink plenty of water, so you continue to flush out the toxins, and you’ll make it through. After Wednesday, you should be feeling a renewed sense of energy!

 NO CAFFEINE is allowed on detox days, and please limit over-the-counter drugs like Advil or Tylenol. All prescribed medications should still be taken.

House Rules!


Caffeine is a stimulant that will increase your stress hormones. When stress hormones go up, insulin also goes up. Now- there are definitely benefits to drinking caffeine, so we just need to find a healthy balance.

 Limit caffeine to 5 servings per week MAX (and never after 1 pm.) On days you have caffeine, make sure you drink an extra glass of water.

 ***For creamer, use coconut milk. No sugar unless it’s 1 tsp. or less of coconut sugar or raw honey. Organic coffee & green tea are your best options for caffeine. 

Alcohol, Sugary Juices & Soda

Liquid calories can add up FAST. Not only that, but they’re also loaded with sugar that will spike your insulin. It places a heavy load on your body to detoxify from it (which it the exact opposite of what we’re trying to do during this challenge.)

 For the next four weeks, you’ll be steering clear of anything other than water, the drink recipes in your meal plan, or an occasional coffee or green tea. If you’re going to indulge on one of these drinks during your cheat meals, make sure it’s only 1-2 servings maximum per week.

Sleep to Peak: 

Over 40% of us suffer from chronic lack of sleep! Lack of sleep is associated with impaired memory, slowed speech, lack of ambition, and will lead to imbalanced hormones in your body causing weight gain and chronic fatigue. During this challenge (and in general) aim for 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Always Be Prepared:

 “If you keep good food in the fridge, you will eat good food.” ~ Errick McAdams.

This goes for your pantry, too. It’s simple and easy to follow and is the main premise behind pretty much every program and challenge we run at Fit 2 The Core/ Nutrition Works.

 Being prepared will mean the difference between success and failure during this challenge! Set yourself up for success by cleaning out your pantry from temptations and replacing them with healthy, delicious options

Go Organic as much as Possible: 

Below is EWG’s updated “Dirty Dozen List and Clean 15 List”.

 This will outline the fruits and vegetables that have the highest levels of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides on them. Try to purchase as many organically grown foods as you can from the “dirty” list

. The “Clean 15” is the list of foods that are likely to have fewer chemicals. Other than this list, a good rule of thumb is to choose organic when you’re going to eat the skin such as grapes, pears, cucumbers, ethtml <meta name="pinterest-rich-pin" content="false" />c.


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